Redwater Band Booster Club VAL-O-GRAMS NOW ON SALE

The Redwater Band Boosters annual Val-O-Gram Fundraiser going on NOW through February 7!
To participate and send out your Val-O-Grams, you can go online and order at the following link:  
OR, you can complete the hard copy form available at this link:  
There are no limits to how many you can send!
*Large Val-O-Grams are $20 and come with 1 large "Let's Glow Valentine" Plush Toy, 2 Cokes, and a Candy Bar.
*Medium Val-O-Grams are $6 and come with 1 small "Let's Glow Valentine" Plush Toy, 1 Coke, and a Candy Bar.
*Small Val-O-Grams are $3 and come with a Candy Bar.
If using the hard copy form, make sure you place payment in an envelope and staple to the sheet.
Take to Front Office of your student's campus no later than Wednesday, February 7.
All checks should be made payable to Redwater Band Boosters.

Delivery of Val-O-Grams will be Wednesday, February 14 during the school day as follows:
Thank you for supporting the Redwater Band Booster Club!